Reasons People Don't Share Their Faith 3/26/2017

Gospel Life Church show

Summary: <p>1. Fear.<br>The fear of being ridiculed, disapproved and persecuted by the world, especially those close to us and those who have authority over us like parents, spouses and bosses.<br>We have bought into this Politically Correct mentality. Live and let live. Don't offend anyone.<br>Fear that sharing your faith will end the relationship.<br>Fear of rejection, we have to remember that they are not rejecting us but Christ.<br>Fear of man rather than fear of God. <br><br>2. They don't feel or think that they are qualified.<br>We have secret sins.<br><br>3. Complacency, lack of compassion and passion, spiritual laziness<br>Luke 8:14 NLT 14 The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity.<br>We want everything from God, but we do not want to give anything.<br>We focus only on what Jesus can do for us, and not what we can do for Jesus.<br><br><br>4. Too many worry about "political correctness".<br>We must care more about what God thinks of us, that what people think of us.<br><br>5. Influenced by worldly culture<br>Because we have believed the lie that we are "pushing" our beliefs on someone.<br>They think belief is a private matter instead of going out to make disciples.<br>We think we need to keep our faith private so we don't offend someone.<br><br>6. A lack of training and don't know how to share.<br><br>7. Not strong Christians with strong faith.<br><br>8. Because we live in a world that is so tolerant of everything but Christianity!<br>We believe people don't really want to heart it.<br><br>9. They believed some false beliefs, like all we have to do is live our faith.<br>Living our faith is sharing our faith.<br><br>10. We don’t know the Gospel clearly and rightly.<br><br>11. We don't see the example from our leaders.<br><br>Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." <br><br>As followers of Jesus Christ, what are your responses to those reasons? How can Christians overcome their barriers when it comes to evangelism?</p>