I’m The Rockstar with Peter Sizemore


Summary: <p><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Peter Sizemore grew up in a small town in Gerogia.  He knew he was special at an early age, when his momma told him so.  During his youth, he played all sports, and was in his words, "#1" at all of them.  Peter connected with yoga after an overhwhelming amount of women asked him to teach.  He listened to their call, and started to grow a following.  You can find Peter teaching hot, sweaty classes with his shirt off.  Peter is the owner of a hot yoga studio, which he claims is very hot, but not as hot as him.  He teaches without a shirt, after surveys indicated his students demand it.  Peter is an avid narcissist and has mirrors in his studio(primarily to stare at himself).  We were honored to grab some of Peter's time and find out more about his journey.  There are no links to connect with Peter, but he explains how to find him in the podcast.</span></p> Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href="https://anchor.fm/yogatalkpod/support" rel="payment">https://anchor.fm/yogatalkpod/support</a>