Recovery with Mary Sabo


Summary: <div> <br> <div class="sqs-block html-block sqs-block-html"> <br> <p class="sqs-block-content"><span style="font-size: 12pt;">It was about eight years ago that Mary was overhwlemed, in denial, and filled with fear.  She was constantly in motion, partying too hard, and working even harder.  Mary had no off switch, and was very depressed.  She had hit rock bottom.  Battling an alcohol addiction, and a dependency on anti-anxiety medication, she was engaging in all sorts of self-sabotaging behaviors.  Mary had a horrible diet and no self-care. Instead of leading the fulfilling life she had always dreamed of, she was living day to day in unsatisfying jobs with no real sense of direction or purpose.  Foggy and frazzled, she was stuck.  Mary had no idea how to move forward, and what she truly wanted.  She came across a quote that would change her life, "In the middle of the fear lies the existence of opportunity".  Mary checked into rehab and onto recovery.  She feels it is because of her re</span></p> </div> </div>