Online Fitness with Jen Greene


Summary: <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: verdana, geneva;">Born and raised in Boston - the youngest of 8 siblings. Graduated from Norhteastern University with a degree in English. Spent my post college years in education working for a non profit organization that provided academic and social support to inner city middle schools in Boston. Spent 8 years in that job and left to pursue a career in fitness. Moved from Boston to New Jersey due to my husbands job. Got certified by NASM as a personal trainer in 2011 and spent the last 7 years as a trainer, group instructor, PT manager and group ex. manager. Also taught sports conditioning classes for kids and then got involved working in medical fitness working with cancer patients and Alzheimers patients for a private club in New Jersey. Moved to New York in 2015 and worked for a big gym teaching senior fitness classes as well as kids classes. Last year got involved with Plank and the rest is history! I also currently write and teach a spo</span></p>