Mastering The Business Of Yoga with Amanda Kingsmith


Summary: <div><span style="color: #ffffff;">Hey, I’m Amanda! I’m the founder here at M.B.Om.  I’m a yoga teacher, business graduate, and a lover of tea, the great outdoors + travel.After completing my 200-hour YTT, I felt confused as to what the next step in my yoga teaching career was. Obviously, it was to start teaching. But beyond that, I wasn’t sure where I was headed.  If I have a business degree from an accredited school and I’m struggling with the business side of yoga, I must not be alone…<strong>And then the light bulb went on… and with that, <span style="color: #0000ff;"><a style="color: #0000ff;" href="">M.B.Om</a></span> was born. </strong>I set out to learn from other successful yoga teachers. I’ve taken my textbook business knowledge and combined it with the real-life experience of other awesome yoga teachers doing badass things, and I want to share that with you M.B.Om, pronounced “M”, “B”, and then “om” is a play on words of an M.B.A. (Master of Business Admi</span></div>