Discovering & Mastering Your Intuition with Maura Torkildson


Summary: <p class="font_9">Maura Torkildson is an author, writing mentor, inspirational speaker, and intuition empowerment guide. She is passionate about transforming women's relationships to their inner universe and connecting with their inner wisdom and sharing it with the world. She empowers others to identify their inner resources, connect to their intuition and from there create books or other expressive arts.  She received her Master of Arts in Women's Spirituality from New College of California where the focus of her thesis work was exploring women's authentic expression. She is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) through Coaches Training Institute (CTI).  </p><br> <p class="font_9">Maura's life path has included an eclectic array of careers in a variety of industries, but all have informed her growth and helped her build skills for her true calling as a healer and transformative agent for her muse (the divine feminine force of creation). Throughout her work life in Corpora</p>