#3 | Developing Our Strengths As Highly, Effective Fundraisers

The Fundraising Talent Podcast show

Summary: I have enjoyed getting to know Stephanie Wollenburg through my involvement with the Association of Lutheran Development Executives earlier this year. Stephanie is the Assistant Director of Development at Long Island Lutheran and a leader in ALDE's young professionals group. ALDE is a remarkable network of fundraising professionals who share a common commitment to their faith and vocation. In this most recent conversation, Stephanie described a number of ways that fundraising professionals can ensure their path to becoming highly-effective fundraisers. Whereas being friendly and outgoing are important skills, the ability to quietly listen and observe is a critical skill for fundraising professionals to develop. Fundraising professionals should seek out an employer who demonstrates a strategic balance of patience and expectations. While our economy transitions towards increased automation and digital communication, fundraising can become one of the places where people find meaningful engagement. Arms-length fundraising is quick and easy whereas the expectation of meaningful engagement and meaningful support requires discipline and a deliberate, systematic approach. If you're interested in connecting with Stephanie, she can be found here on LinkedIn. ​   ​