#4 | Leaning Into Our Identity as a Fundraising Professional

The Fundraising Talent Podcast show

Summary: After listening to my conversation with Klementina, I was reminded of just how difficult it can be for some of us to lean into our identity as a professional fundraiser. I recall my own hesitancies at times when someone asked, "what do you do?" I have enjoyed getting to know Klementina Sula, Chief Development Officer at Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital and am especially eager to spend some time with her and her colleagues in late October.  Some key points that the two of us discussed were: At our best, we fundraisers are connectors and we help bridge the relationship between a generous individual and their passions. To ensure rewarding relationships with our colleagues in non-fundraising roles, we have to build trust and earn their confidence. In the way that we often want to be invited to the table when decisions are being made in other departments, we too need to be quick to engage others within the organization and invite them to our table. For fear of being exposed, are fundraising professionals less inclined to reveal the messiness, uncertainly and vulnerability that characterizes our work? If you're interested in connecting with Klementina, she can be found here on LinkedIn.