CJ 025 | Session Report #017

Craps Journey | Dice Setting, Dice Control, Dice Influence & Betting Strategy show

Summary: Casino : Treasury Brisbane<br> $300 buy in<br> Half table<br> SL1<br> Just 2 other players<br> Didn’t bother reading the table today. Basically jumped straight in with $10 PL only to test and watch at the same time until my turn.<br> Toying with a line bet trend / anti trend method to use when I don’t have the dice.<br> One guy burned through his money and left which is ashame as I wanted to test this system out.<br> Anyway the remaining other player was the mad Russian I’ve spoken about previously. He loves a $5 C and $5 E on nearly every roll and when it hits goes to the horn.<br> After 2 roles of my own, PPSO and putting out $10 PL and $44 inside I was starting to get frustrated I could not get moving.<br> The mad Russian who is a total random roller was also PPSO and he was getting really upset.<br> I said to him and the dealers I’m switching over and shooting dark side. The stick man said Darth Maul shooter coming out. I thought that was nice.<br> The Russian said WTF are you doing. And after the roll ended quickly and he lost his bets and I won mine, shook his head, swore and said why would you do that.<br> I said I’d simply rather have the money than not.<br> Anyway tried to convince him to play dark with me and go with it. But he wouldn’t have it.<br> Got some money back twice with $10 DP and lay $20 odds on my own hand. Set for seven and got it quick.<br> I love quiet tables. So refreshing.<br> 3 newbies came to the table and even the dealers were groaning. Fortunately they decided to not play.<br> Tried going dark side the 3rd time and shot myself in the foot so switched over on second point and just went with it and got some profit.<br> $10 PL and $22 inside – then press up 1 unit then up 3 units to get to 5 units before same bet.<br> Had a few roles of 10 throws and two roles of 16 throws. I just use my chips to count my throws.<br> Almost pulled myself back to even but once again ran out time.<br> The dice move quick with only 2 players so got my throws in. For lots of nice practice.<br> Couple more players joined the table and I announced last roll for me as I had to get back to work.<br> Not bad overall for a really choppy run.<br> But once again, as I analyse my playing and growing confidence with the dice. After a couple of hands to build confidence at the table and my spot. I’m beginning to see that if I go out hard for 2 hits and regress I’ll be much better off.<br> Something like $66 inside would work best.<br> I will try this bet method on myself next week.<br> Colour in $277 (-$23) in 1 hr 30 min<br> <a href="https://www.crapsjourney.com/025-session-report-017/#respond" title=""></a>