CJ 034 | Session Report #26

Craps Journey | Dice Setting, Dice Control, Dice Influence & Betting Strategy show

Summary: Casino : Treasury Brisbane<br> $300 buy in<br> 1/2 table right side<br> SR6 (hook near dealer)<br> 4 players (one newbie, 2 regulars and me)<br> 3V set<br> My least favourite position. Still haven’t worked this one out.<br> However today it didn’t matter.<br> Only had 45 mins. Got the dice twice.<br> $66 inside working on the come out.<br> Both roles shot myself in the foot with seven on first roll.<br> 7, 9, 3, 6, 10, 12, 3, 9<br> 5, 9, 7<br> 7, 6, 8, 10, 7<br> Terrible but no other spot opened up for me.<br> Good news though is I made money on the other regulars.<br> Playing my DP progression and $22 inside<br> One regular had a wonderful hand in the 20s (don’t track / chart others… yet)<br> So many inside numbers, high on the nines. And I had 9 up to $75. $300 profit in one hand. I was happy to finally make use of the press and take strategy I learned from this forum.<br> Clapped him after that roll, truely thankful.<br> There was one newbie and he was hopeless. Holding the dice both hands. Rubbing dice together with both hands. Taking the dice back over the rail out of sight. Throwing one dice at a time down to the end. Dealers were laughing, it was classic what not to do.<br> Colour in $569 (+$269) in 45 mins<br> <a href="https://www.crapsjourney.com/034-session-report-26/#respond" title=""></a>