CJ 039 | Session Report #31

Craps Journey | Dice Setting, Dice Control, Dice Influence & Betting Strategy show

Summary: Casino: Treasury Brisbane<br> $400 buy in<br> 1/2 table left side<br> SL1 (my favourite)<br> 1 player (me)<br> 3V set and 2V set<br> Couldn’t get out last week. Work was to much and couldn’t even spare 1 hour again.<br> Was very grateful that when I arrived there was no one at the table. Perfect.<br> I started slow to warm up.<br> Started with a 3 x DP progression $10 $20 $30 and $44 inside working 2 hits and down to $6 six and eight and press up and out from there.<br> Took an initial beating down $150, zagged when I should have zigged.<br> I had 3 PSO out of 11 hands.<br> The others of note. 22, 14, 12, 16<br> Then had my biggest roll I’ve ever done. 41 rolls. No one else at the table to enjoy it with me. Worked up from $6 six and eight to getting $50 for $1 on the 5 and 9<br> 10, 6, 6, 5, 8, 5, 10<br> 6, 8, 9, 6<br> 7, 5, 5<br> 8, 4, 9, 10, 5, 6, 5, 10, 9, 9, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 9, 6, 2, 9, 9, 11, 3, 10, 7<br> I actually didn’t know what press to after that so left it at same bet to not distract myself.<br> Had a pile of chip vomit in front of me after that hand. I asked for a 2 min break to clean up my rack.<br> Had a good chat to dealers today. Before the most senior box man showed up. He’s so sour I could get more out of a lemon. Conversation stopper.<br> He turns his nose up at anyone that sets the dice and tries to have a controlled shot. But he tolerates until you don’t hit the back wall.<br> I couldn’t care less what he thinks.<br> I’m there to make money, and that’s what I’m going to strive to do.<br> I asked if the table was going to be removed. And they didn’t think so in the short term.<br> However since they moved the table it’s own room it’s done even less business than when it was on the main floor.<br> They really have set it up for failure.<br> I suggested the golden arm comp again and they said it would never get off the ground because it required work from the marketing dept. for a game that is only open small hours and has low profit turnover.<br> Oh well I’ll just keep playing for as long as I can.<br> Had to get back to work so had to stop just as 2 new players joined in.<br> Coloured out $626 (+$226) in 1 hour<br> <a href="https://www.crapsjourney.com/039-session-report-31/#respond" title=""></a>