043: Contactually, Organise Your Contacts and Stay in Touch – From an Idea on his Evernote to Millions in Revenue (w/ Zvi Band)

The Business Generals Podcast | Helping You Maximize Your Entrepreneurial Dreams - Every Single Week show

Summary: Zvi Band is a software developer and entrepreneur, the CEO and co-founder of Contactually which is a software service that gives people everything they need to easily organize and stay in touch with the most important people in their network. He built the company from an idea in his Evernote to 60 employees (and growing), millions in revenue, 12M+ in venture backing, numerous awards, and thousands of paying customers in SMB and mid-market.<br> <br> He previously led Workstreamer as CTO from its initial product development to acquisition. Prior to Contactually, Zvi ran a software consultancy firm, working for clients such as Ford, NYSE AND Volkswagen. He also serves as a mentor to two DC-Based incubators, 1776 and Acceleprise. He founded DC Tech Meetup and ProudlyMadeinDC to promote DC entrepreneurship. He has been named a DC “Tech Titan” 3 times.<br> <br> ...........<br> <br> Book recommendation for entrepreneurs: <br> <br> * Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers - Geoffrey A. Moore (has been a key part of the business strategy behind Contactually)<br> * The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers - Ben Horowitz<br> * Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future - Peter Thiel<br> <br> &gt;&gt;&gt;<br> <br> Legacy:<br> To be remembered as someone who made a positive impact in the world and made a lasting effect in some way - Zvi.<br> <br> &gt;&gt;&gt;<br> <br> Best way to connect:<br> @skeevis - Zvi’s Twitter Handle (His favourite way of communicating)<br> <br> <a href="http://www.contactually.com/">www.contactually.com</a> - Zvi’s business website<br> <br>