066: Blogging and Podcasting for Business with Million Dollar Laptop Entrepreneur (w/ Yaro Starak)

The Business Generals Podcast | Helping You Maximize Your Entrepreneurial Dreams - Every Single Week show

Summary: Yaro Starak is the founder of Entrepreneurs Journey. He is a globally recognized internet marketer and online business mentor and coach who started his online journey before being online was a thing. <br> <br> In this episode, Yaro shares how he launched his blog for fellow entrepreneurs, especially for people who are interested in following the online business model that he has leveraged to make over a million dollars. <br> <br> Yaro has developed a simple business model made up of the following three components:  <br> <br> Start a Blog <br> <br> <br> Grow An Email Newsletter <br> <br> <br> Sell Your Own Digital Products <br> <br> Listen in to get all the juicy details from Yaro Starak in this episode. <br> <br> Remember to click subscribe on your podcast player so you don’t miss an episode. Download your free PDF show highlight reel for all the links and resources mentioned in the episode at <a href="https://www.businessgenerals.com/yaros">www.businessgenerals.com/yaros</a>  <br> <br> Starting out in business <br> <br> When Yaro joined the University of Queensland to study business management, he got his first access to the internet and he was fascinated by the ease of access to information. He started playing a card game called “Magic: The Gathering” and became a great fan of it so much so that he built his first website dedicated to the game.  <br> <br> The website was built using GeoCities (a free website building tool) and he built a strong following through articles written by himself and other card players. That turned into a real business because he created a card game store which did very well. He also put up banner ads on the site and used to make $500 to $1,000 during the best times. The business gave him great experience in basic internet marketing. <br> <br> Later on, while still in university, he started an essay editing business mainly targeted towards international students with English as a second language. His family would help as editors on the site and later on he hired other editors as contractors.  <br> <br> It was Yaro's first real “laptop lifestyle business” because it enabled him to travel while doing it. It was hands-off for him because he had contract essay editors and all he would need to do is the website marketing through SEO and putting up posters at university campuses. His job was sending emails between customers and the editors, then he would take a 50% profit margin for every job. Eventually when he got enough volume, he hired an administrative assistant to look after the email job. It was a great full-time business and he made enough money, so he didn’t need to get a job after graduating. <br> <br> After graduating he focused on business and travelling to different global destinations. Eventually he sold the essay editing and card game business because he was no longer passionate about them.  <br> <br> Blogging <br> <br> In 2004, Yaro learnt about blogging, so he started a blog and writing about business. Consequently, in January 2005, he registered <a href="http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/">www.entrepreneurs-journey.com</a> purely as a hobby where he wrote 2 to 3 articles a week talking about running his card game and essay editing businesses. In the end, he sold off the card game and essay editing businesses to become a full-time blogger and information marketer. <br> <br> Period in full time business <br> <br> Yaro first made a full-time income in 2003 from his online essay editing business and has never looked back since. <br> <br> Utilizing his business degree <br> <br> Yaro says that he didn’t use it a lot since he never got formally employed but he says going to study business enabled him to access the internet which developed his interest in online based business. <br> <br> Core revenue streams <br> <br>