068: Goal Setting that Works – Solo Episode (w/ Davis Mutabwa)

The Business Generals Podcast | Helping You Maximize Your Entrepreneurial Dreams - Every Single Week show

Summary: Setting goals enables us to move forward in life and business. Goals are like the oxygen to our biggest dreams. They are the crucial first steps in every journey we choose to take. Setting goals will enable you to:<br> <br> * Focus<br> * Measure progress<br> * Stay locked-in and undetered<br> * Have accountability in finishing every task<br> * Motivated at all times<br> <br> In this episode, i'll personally help you learn and implement goal setting into your personal and business life so you can build on your self-confidence and increase your productivity. Listen in to get all the juicy details in this episode on goal setting that works!.<br> <br> Remember to click subscribe on your podcast player so you don’t miss an episode. Download your free PDF show highlight reel for all the links and resources mentioned in the episode. Go to <a href="https://www.businessgenerals.com/bradys">www.businessgenerals.com/goals</a><br> <br> Thanks for tuning in...see you next time!<br> <br> Cheers,<br> Davis<br> #TheBusinessGeneralsPodcast