069: Converting Your Ideas and Giftings into Wealth and Your Wealth into Significance – Part 1 (w/ Davis Mutabwa)

The Business Generals Podcast | Helping You Maximize Your Entrepreneurial Dreams - Every Single Week show

Summary: I am excited to have you join me in this solo episode which is actually a workshop I hosted for over 50 entrepreneurs. It’s a relaxed yet entertaining training environment where I walk you through a couple of key concepts that have helped shape my mindset towards business over the last 20 years.<br> <br> Listen in and find out:<br> <br> * What your 2 missions in life should be?<br> * The key steps to move you from Idea Stage to Significance<br> * Case studies on ideas and giftings that have been executed into global brands today.<br> * Plus much more.<br> <br> Significance and legacy<br> <br> Find a reason why you want to achieve what you want to achieve. That way, you will always stay motivated even in the midst of challenges<br> <br> 1.0 NUMBER ONE MISSION IN LIFE<br> <br> Find out what you are passionate about and what excites you because it causes you to keep going when things get tough.<br> <br> If you find yourself working in a job that you not excited about, it's going to be a bit of a drag.<br> <br> Write down what you are passionate about and then write down the answers<br> <br> 1.1 Areas of influence: Seven Mountains of Influence<br> <br> These are the areas where your passion will most likely fall under, and they are:<br> <br> Business: We all go looking for a job from business people. Therefore, they influence our lives.<br> <br> Government and politics: Government makes the policies that influence our lives. For example, when they say, "Drive on the left," we drive on the left. If one doesn't drive on the left, they're in trouble.<br> <br> Arts and entertainment: This is where we find music, movies and other forms of entertainment where there are celebrities, for example, Hollywood. They influence the hairstyles we wear, the clothes we wear and much more.<br> <br> Religion: All of us have grown up in church or some form of variation of that and that influences us immensely<br> <br> Education: This where we learn most of what we know<br> <br> Media: This includes popular media outlets like CNN, BBC and different TV channels. They influence how we understand what is happening in the world. What they show on TV is what we believe is happening. For example, if they show us that there's an earthquake somewhere, we understand there's an earthquake somewhere and if they show us ISIS is taking over the Middle East, we understand that that's what is happening. We don't actually go to the Middle East to work it out for ourselves. If they present Africa the way it has been presented, that is how the world understands Africa as being. Unless we have somebody in the media sphere from Africa who begins to change the perspective that people have, that doesn't change.<br> <br> Family: This constitutes how we are raised, how we grow up, the community that we live in.<br> <br> Tip: Once you understand where your passion sits, then you can begin to take the next step.<br> <br> 1.2 Building a career or business<br> <br> Once you have identified under which category your passion sits, make sure it always excites you in your day to day life and then look into your actual skills, strengths, and gifts to determine whether they match what you are passionate about. Your skills, strengths and gifts have to work hand in hand with your passion, to help you fulfil that passion.<br> <br> For example, someone who is passionate about singing has to have a good voice and strong singing skills, or at least be in a position to learn good singing skills. You may also find another angle in the music industry that you can do other than singing, for example, producing music, and much more.<br> <br> 1.3 Ideas<br> <br> As yourself what ideas you have and what ideas keep resurfacing in your mind.<br> <br> Don't keep sharing your ideas every time you get them,