Embracing the Chip on Your Shoulder

The Eric Koester Creator Institute show

Summary: Do you have a chip on your shoulder? Researchers say that can a good thing -- some of the world's best like Tom Brady or Steve Jobs use their resentment to prove people wrong again and again. But it can also stop us in our tracks if we fixate on these insecurities. For Joe Mechlinski, he grew up in a rough part of Baltimore until a football scholarship landed him a Johns Hopkins with limited reading and writing skills.  Just how does that guy wind up publishing a NY Times Bestseller that bumped 50 Shades of Grey from the top spot? That chip on his shoulder. Our discussion talks about how to use the insecurities and resentment we all have somewhere -- and continue to create things -- companies, books, podcasts, teams -- and grow.  That "prove it" mentality comes when we decide to invest in creating things that others can judge for themselves, and how each of us can use our own chips for good.