58 - Facing Cancer As A Fit Dad - with Craig Nieset

Defining Dad Bod show

Summary: Have you ever done nearly everything right and still gotten hit with 10 tons of bricks in the face?<br><br>Craig Nieset from Team Nieset was on the show a few months ago - he and his wife talk in episode 39 about running life's busy race well with nutrition and exercise. Since then he has faced a cancer diagnosis and possible death with a powerful resolve to show up for himself and his family. <br><br>Now with a clean bill of health he is turning his attention to making the community aware of the steps that need to be taken to catch possible concerns before they become tragedies. <br><br>September is prostate cancer awareness month - Craig's message "Get your PSA checked and stay on top of possible abnormalities"<br><br>In the meantime, the stronger, healthier, and fitter you are, the better you will recover from medical procedures that may be necessary but unforeseen! <br><br>#Definingdadbod means always preparing for the next fight!<br><br>Thank you Craig for sharing your story!<br><br><a href="https://www.facebook.com/craig.nieset" rel="noopener">https://www.facebook.com/craig.nieset</a><br><br>Support the show! <br><br><a href="http://www.patreon.com/definingdadbod" rel="noopener">www.patreon.com/definingdadbod</a>