Op-Ed Mania!

The Daily Dive show

Summary: Everyone around the country is asking the same question… Who wrote it? After the NY Times published an anonymous Op-Ed called “I am part of the resistance inside the Trump administration,” the country was left to wonder who this “senior official” is. The news has left the President angry and isolated. Mike Snider, reporter for USA Today, joins us more on this and the flurry of denials from cabinet officials saying they are not the ones who penned the essay. Next, even after California legalized recreational marijuana sales, the illegal weed industry is booming and doing better than ever. While sales of legal marijuana will surpass illegal sales, it is estimated that the illegal market will still be worth over $2.5 billion in 2018. Hayley Fox, contributor to VICE covering the cannabis industry, joins us to talk about why no taxes and no overhead keeps the black market strong. Finally, it’s been done for a long time to help with weight loss, but scientists are now looking at fasting as a way to help you live longer. A recent study by the National Institute on Aging found that mice who fasted, lived up to 40% longer than those that had access to food around the clock. Dalvin Brown, over at USA Today, joins us for the latest study.