"Guest Dr. Anish Sheth"

Hellbound with Halos show

Summary: Kevin &amp; Sully take pause in the first part of the Episode to acknowledge the events of September 11th, 2001. One of the biggest tragedies on American soil that effected them, as firefighters, and the country as a whole. Crystal couldn't join the boys for this one because she was stuck in an airport to fly out of Sacramento.<br><br>In Episode 41, the guys had the great opportunity to sit down with Dr. Anish Sheth, a Gastroenterologist from Princeton, NJ. The doctor has made appearances on shows such as "The Rachel Ray Show" on CBS, as well as, "The Doctors" on ABC, respectively. They talk all things poo, poop, call it what you will. Dr. Sheth provides the boys with some very good information in regards to colon health, dietary needs, and what to watch for during bowel movements. Kevin asks, "Why is it that when I eat, like wings Buffalo Sauce on them, the next morning, it feels like I have an alien ripping my intestines out?". The Doctor attributes that more to a disturbance of the intestines and same with eating red meat. He says that the sudden urge to poo after eating meat, is likely from the fats in the meat, not the protein. Protein breaks down, in the body fairly easily, while the fats take much more work to breakdown. Sully says he is pretty regular and anytime it's time for the "number 2", it's "all systems go" for him. Kevin also asked the doctor about the prostate and was wondering if there are any "tell-tale" signs of an issue. Dr. Sheth recommends to all that you should be getting tested, regardless of symptoms. He says that typically when a person has symptoms, the problem has exasperated, so it's much better to be proactive and get tested when the time comes. Kevin also asks about how, society as a whole seems to be having more promiscuous sex, what about anal sex? He's heard varying opinions. The doctor gives them insight into that and many, many more topics surrounding our insides. The doctor correlates a well balanced, healthy diet to a good working digestive system. All systems go in this one, as Sully would say. It was great to talk with the Doctor and we appreciate the time he took out of his busy schedule to sit down with us.