Episode 7: Episode 7: How to Unite and Unionize With Your Clinic Coworkers: A Win in an LGBT Clinic

Health Autonomy show

Summary: <p>Overworked? Underpaid? And still get heat from the bosses that you should be doing more with less cause you’re serving the most vulnerable? Even clinics and nonprofits claiming the most progressive intentions inherit some of the most exploitative practices against their workers. In this episode, we speak with a healthcare worker who linked up with her fellow docs, nurses, and administrators to resist union busting tactics by their bosses and promote fairer conditions in an LGBT clinic. We also talk with our guest about how she got involved with social justice work before entering medical school and where she is now following the dramatic unionizing effort. </p> <p>Health Autonomy is brought to you by <a href="http://mask.fm" rel="nofollow">mask.fm</a>, a podcast network by Mask Magazine. To support this show and others, visit our <a href="http://patreon.com/maskfm" rel="nofollow">Patreon</a>. This episode was edited by Joe Kujawa. </p> <p>Please take a moment to rate and review Health Autonomy on iTunes, which helps others discover our show.</p> <p><a href="http://woodbine.nyc" rel="nofollow">Woodbine</a></p> <p>For announcements, follow the network Twitter, <a href="https://twitter.com/maskdotfm" rel="nofollow">@maskdotfm</a>. For feedback and information, contact: <a href="mailto:fm@mask-mag.com" rel="nofollow">fm@mask-mag.com</a>.</p>