Speaking Engagement With Joy In The Journey

Angels of the Light show

Summary:                                        Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash<br> <br> Sometimes in life we come to a crossroad and we don't know which way to go. Wouldn't it be nice if we could rely on others to get a clear sense of what we need to do? According to our guest today, Joan Sandlin, you can get "unstuck" by reaching out to other like minded people through the mastermind groups she leads. Joan reveals to Lisa Casarez and Vikki Luna how members of these groups participate in giving ideas, solutions or suggestions to help each other. This will in turn help them get beyond whatever holds them back. Vikki participated in one of the groups and it helped her grow personally and professionally.<br> <br> Joan also talks about the three P's in etiquette: Power, Polish and Presence. She tells us to practice utilizing these in order have a successful life. Listen to this podcast to learn how Joan was inspired by God and she embarked on this journey to teach people how to have a relationship with the Lord.<br> <br> To contact Joan Sandlin - jcs1231@sbcglobal.net