Ep43 Why put so much focus on compassion? Travis Hysell

Biz4Good Show show

Summary: <br> The #Biz4GoodShow <br> Episode 43: Travis Hysell – Legacy Initiative<br> 11-8-17<br> The <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/biz4goodshow?source=feed_text&amp;story_id=1924344791218620">#Biz4GoodShow</a> Episode 42: Travis Hysell from <a href="http://www.legacyinitiative.org/">www.LegacyInitiative.org</a> “Why put so much focus on compassion?”<a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/begooddogood?source=feed_text&amp;story_id=1924344791218620">#BeGoodDoGood</a> <a href="http://www.biz4goodshow.com/">www.Biz4GoodShow.com</a> Live! On Facebook &amp; YouTube, Wednesday (this week) Nov 8th at 2pm MST<br>  <br> Travis Hysell is founder and board chair of The Legacy Initiative, a Utah grassroots non-profits that does outreach to Salt Lake City’s homeless. Formed in 2012, the organization includes seven unique teams made up of 700+ volunteers aimed at fighting hunger, providing humanitarian aid and educating people. The Humanitarian Services Team, for instance, renders services and direct aid to those experiencing homeless and their pets. The Red Team provides safety and community-watch services, while the “Causeplay” Team volunteers dress up in high end superhero and princess costumes to bring sunshine to kids suffering from homelessness, poverty and serious illness. The legacy in Hysell’s mind is “to remind the members of our communities how to look after those in need, and to get engaged in creating positive change at a local level. We want to inspire all people to be the change, and make a permanent, positive contribution to our community; to build a legacy we all can be proud of.”<br> <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FLegacyInitiative.org%2F&amp;h=ATNVQrqGMsm7MXxbTBNIfghXG3JuIMertVH0K1fzhhurvqXTZ1Tvff8DFDr7KRFetiJY0QKFs6hLurCHuHK0U4oUMoyYZtL2cMzGitxFIeXm3Netzr2fs6J4ktzk_mKTFchPq_kRf9JfTFmRL7fZJPTiXeoLOM1vsDKj2Ky3DxkMMi0crXWPAJP1PdQzYrGDgxabh_fmzgLn6t5hKnH8__RI5er_07v3Lbiuh5AWPUolYcb0il4ZNPk1yPG9gWfZfb-xVyPreMsYrHnyyAF3k2hV9uT4Y4_2vt-kwnHaTHT6vuI">LegacyInitiative.org</a><br>  <br> “Welcome to the B4G show!!! With your hosts<br>  <br> Bobby Glen James &amp; Ryan PILKINGTON!”<br>  <br> #BeGoodDoGood  <a href="http://www.Biz4GoodShow.com">www.Biz4GoodShow.com</a><br>  <br>  <br> Plug for the B4G roadshow:  Check out The #Biz4GoodShow <br> Episode 42: “Thor Ragnorok Roadtrip with Emily Hayes”<br>  <br> What a Movie!  What a Great Way to Appreciate People! <br>  <br>  <br>  <br> Biz4GoodShow Sponsors<br>  <br> Today’s Show is brought to you by:<br>  <br> EFL360.com  Entrepreneurs, Founders, &amp; Leaders meeting also livestreamed on FB of their weekly face-to-face meeting.  Mentors teaching, and helping you taking entrepreneurship to the next level.  Weekly meetings Thursdays 4-6pm at Salt Lake Community College Miller Campus in room 333.  If you want to be an entrepreneur…this event is for you.<br>  <br> Learn new tools to grow your business!  Networking on a whole new level.<br>  <br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/speakupspeakers/">Speak Up</a> Professionals Speakers Studio  <a href="https://www.facebook.com/speakupspeakers/">https://www.facebook.com/speakupspeakers/</a><br> Message to Magic Blueprint 3 Day Intensive …helping entrepreneurs make an impact as a speaker, trainer, or coach.<br>  <br> We create messages!  Making an impact in the world is about getting your message across.<br>  <br> A place for all of us to get together and strengthen our messaging skills. Get that message outside of you.  Learn and understand ways to make an impact when you get on stage.<br>  <br> SpeakersSpeakUp.com<br>  <br> Tonight is Story Magic.  Check out <a href="http://www.SpeakersSpeakUp.com">www.SpeakersSpeakUp.com</a><br>  <br> regraphixs.com<br> <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?"></a>