Ep52 Purpose Driven Living a Life of Meaning & Intention James Alan Thompson

Biz4Good Show show

Summary: <br> The #Biz4GoodShow<br> www.Biz4GoodShow.com #BeGoodDoGood<br> 1-11-18<br>  <br> WELCOME to the Biz4GoodShow, with Bobby Glen James and the Ryan Pilkington (aka Pickle)!<br>  <br>  <br> #Biz4GoodShow Episode 52:  James Alan Thompson<br> “Purpose Driven:  Living a Life of Meaning &amp; Intention”<br> Live on Facebook &amp; YouTube – Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 2:3pm MST    <a href="http://www.biz4goodshow.com/">www.Biz4GoodShow.com</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/begooddogood?source=feed_text&amp;story_id=1953914581594974">#BeGoodDoGood</a><br>  <br>  <br> Michelle is doing an amazing job with all the technology.  She is PR/Technical person.  Didn’t know that was part of it, and she is getting on the job training…so don’t mind the glitches.  It will get better with practice! Welcome….<br>  <br> Episode 52  …  James Alan Thompson will be talking about his podcast, book and more!<br>  <br> Who is James Alan Thompson?<br>  <br> James Alan Thompson<br> Purpose Driven: Living a Life of Meaning &amp; Intention<br>  <br> From a young age, James knew what his purpose in life was: To inspire in others the desire to live life to the fullest by achieving their dreams and highest potential.<br>  <br> Over the last ten years, his background has included working in sales, personal development coaching, and on political campaigns across the country. In 2014, he worked for FranklinCovey in their Event Marketing Department and has since worked with various business consulting groups and youth development centers.<br>  <br> Today he is venturing into the world of social entrepreneurship, speaking, podcasting, and book publishing—with his first book, Why Wait?! Developing the Courage to Start Your Entrepreneurial Journey, Pursue Your Dreams, &amp; Live the Life You Desire to be released at the end of 2018.<br>  <br> His passions include spending quality time with friends and family, developing new relationships and serving the community, traveling to new cities, learning how to cook healthy foods, trying new restaurants, and reading biographies of leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world.<br>  <br> Biz4GoodShow Sponsors<br>  <br>  <br> EFL360.com  Entrepreneurs, Founders, &amp; Leaders meeting also livestreamed on FB of their weekly face-to-face meeting.  Mentors teaching, and helping you taking entrepreneurship to the next level.  Weekly meetings Thursdays 4-6pm at Salt Lake Community College Miller Innovation Center Campus in room 333.  If you want to be an entrepreneur, or perfect and grow your business…this event is for you!  Every Week.<br>  <br> Learn new tools to grow your business!  Networking on a whole new level.<br>  <br> If you want to start a business, you are a leader and want to have more tools to do more and be more.<br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/speakupspeakers/">Speak Up</a> Professionals Speakers Studio  <a href="https://www.facebook.com/speakupspeakers/">https://www.facebook.com/speakupspeakers/</a><br>  <br> Message to Magic Blueprint 3 Day Intensive …helping entrepreneurs make an impact as a speaker, trainer, or coach. We create messages!  Making an impact in the world is about getting your message across.<br>  <br> A place for all of us to get together and strengthen our messaging skills. Get that message outside of you.  Learn and understand ways to make an impact when you get on stage.<br>  <br> If you know you have a message inside you that you want to get out there. Not just moving your hands around, but getting that message out of you and into the world.  #Entertain #Inspire #Motivate<br>  <br> It’s a Movement.  There are powerful people out there with messages!<br>  <br> Check out <a href="http://www.SpeakersSpeakUp.com">www.SpeakersSpeakUp.com</a><br>  <br>  <br>  <br>