Ep 60 What Makes You Different Makes You Powerful Julie Lee

Biz4Good Show show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> The #Biz4GoodShow<br> Episode 60:  Julie Lee<br> “What Makes You Different Makes You Powerful”<br> www.Biz4GoodShow.com #BeGoodDoGood<br> March 8, 2018<br>  <br>  <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/livestream?source=feed_text&amp;story_id=1966084020378030">#LiveStream</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/biz4goodshow?source=feed_text&amp;story_id=1966084020378030">#Biz4GoodShow</a> #BeGoodDoGood<br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/marketing?source=feed_text&amp;story_id=1966084020378030">#Marketing</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/smallbusiness?source=feed_text&amp;story_id=1966084020378030">#SmallBusiness</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/entrepreneur?source=feed_text&amp;story_id=1966084020378030">#Entrepreneur</a><br> <a href="http://www.biz4goodshow.com/">www.Biz4GoodShow.com</a><br>  <br> Welcome to the #Biz4GoodShow!<br>  <br> With your hosts…<br>  <br> Bobby Glen James<br> &amp;<br> the Ryan Pilkington!<br> Ladies &amp; Gentlemen….Pickle.<br>  <br> Title: What Makes You Different Makes You Powerful <br>  <br> Amazing Guest.  Amazing Show! <br>  <br> Bobby thinks people need to embrace our differences and realize how powerful we are!<br> Bobby shares too many secrets …  haha!<br>  <br> Linda interjects how Love is the most powerful force in the universe.  Love Those Wives!!<br>  <br> Ryan tells about Julie Lee’s book.  And, she is a broccoli expert. Bobby gets us off track and to that special place really quick.  He likes saying that book title. Get out &amp; Get that Book. Amazon. Review it. He is gonna get one.<br>  <br> Bio: <br>  <br> Julie Lee is a mother, a motivational speaker, and a strong advocate of self-acceptance.  She presents and leads discussions on embracing our gifts and using them to better the world.  Her new book,Broccolipunzle: A Fractured Fairytale, is an amusing story, teaching the lesson that “being different isn’t so bad after all”.  Her message is for kids and adults alike, revolving around the truth that what makes you different, makes you powerful.  <br>  <br> Sharing her message of self-acceptance with a society that needs to hear it, continues to be one of the most meaningful adventures of Julie’s life.    <br>  <br> Contact Julie for inquiries and scheduling at <a href="mailto:jlee42310@gmail.com">jlee42310@gmail.com</a><br>  <br> 4th Question:<br> Why do you personally feel so passionate about spreading this message of self-acceptance and empowerment?<br>  <br> Biz4GoodShow Sponsors<br>  <br> EFL360.com  <br>  <br> Entrepreneurs, Founders, &amp; Leaders meeting also livestreamed on FB of their weekly face-to-face meeting.  Mentors teaching, and helping you taking entrepreneurship to the next level.  Weekly meetings Thursdays 4-6pm at Salt Lake Community College Miller Innovation Center Campus in room 333.  If you want to be an entrepreneur, or perfect and grow your business…this event is for you! Every Week. 360 Weekly!  Be There.<br>  <br> Learn new tools to grow your business!  Networking on a whole new level. <br>  <br> If you want to start a business, you are a leader and want to have more tools to do more and be more. <br>  <br> The ultimate networking meeting!<br>  <br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/speakupspeakers/">Speak Up</a> Professionals Speakers Studio  <a href="https://www.facebook.com/speakupspeakers/">https://www.facebook.com/speakupspeakers/</a><br>  <br> Meets every 2nd Thursday!<br>  <br> A place for all of us to get together and strengthen our messaging skills. Get that message outside of you.  Learn and understand ways to make an impact when you get on stage. <br>  <br> If you know you have a message inside you that you want to get out there.