BOTNS #195: Listeners recommend adult books for kids

Books on the Nightstand show

Summary:   This week's show is largely made up of listener phone calls, to recommend reading for teens and tweens who want to read adult books. PLEASE NOTE: One of our listeners points out that the caller who recommends Ender's Game has included a spoiler. Obviously we all have our own definition of what makes a "spoiler", but I wanted to alert you to proceed with caution. We also want to thank all of you who have participated in our Book Spine Poetry gallery, which we launched in episode #190 ( If you haven't had a chance to see some of our listeners' Book Spine Poems, please check them out in our Yogile gallery (, and feel free to upload your own. This will stay up indefinitely, so add your photos as inspiration hits. In episode #191 (, we put out a call for suggestions. My 10 year old daughter, while still enjoying kids books, wants to start exploring the adult section of the library. So I asked for recommendations from you, our listeners, and you came through. There are many great ideas on the comments section of that episode's show notes ( Kalanna recommended StorySnoops ( as an alternative to Common Sense Media ( for reviewing ratings of books that your kids want to read. Mary, by way of Kate, sent in this email: " Well, I remember you recommending This Scepter'd Isle to me when I was about 10...some of Mercedes Lackey ('s Valdemar stuff might be a bit racy for this girl (I'm thinking Vanyel, mainly), but Denorial and Harry are just great fun! Hilari Bell's Farsala Trilogy is marvelous (the first one is Fall of a Kingdom). Charles De Lint' ( stuff is nice. I read his Riddle of the Wren in middle school. And I still love Kate Constables Chanters of Tremaris trilogy. And oh my goodness, has she read Tamora Pierce ( If not, she should do that as soon as possible!  And a special thank you so much to our listeners who took the time to call in: Ellen, Heidi from Maine, Karen from Seattle, Pella (?)  from Chicago, Zoe from Virginia and someone who didn't leave her name. It is very much appreciated! Ellen suggests So Long, See You Tomorrow by William Maxwell. Heidi from Eastern Maine Dragonriders of Pern Series by Anne McCaffrey. Dragonflight is the first. She also mentions The Lord of the Rings series and The Hobbit. Finally, Heidi suggests Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Any books by Jennifer Donnelly ( The Hobbit Gabrielle Zevin's Elswhere The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4 by Sue Townsend I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith Sorcery and Cecilia or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot by Patricia C. Wrede (, Caroline Stevermer ( The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak Discworld series by Terry Pratchett, both the young adult series and the adult series Brian Jacques' Redwall series Anything by Andre Norton (, the Tombs of Atuan series Zoe mentions a series set during an alternate version of the Napoleonic wars where everyone rides dragons to win the war. I'm pretty sure she means Naomi Novik's Temeraire series, of which His Majesty's Dragon is the first title.