Gritty Bowmen TV show

Summary: On this episode of Gritty Bowmen I sit down with friend and Tradlife enthusiast, Matt Davis. Matt is the VP of Sales & Marketing at MTN OPS. Matt began working in the hunting industry for Hoyt Archery about 7 years ago and as a result of that interaction he developed a fondness for traditional archery. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Mixing MTN OPS FlavorsAll About Matt DavisTradlife, Fitness, What would you like to see change in the hunting industry?Tom Clum Sr. Social Media post split fingerPost authentically, be genuine. Don’t contribute to the noise. If Matt Davis were fish and game how would you manage our wildlife resources?Bonneville cutthroat trout Hunter Dollars Gap in what Fish & Wildlife do and the public’s knowledge of what they do. Which states do a good job of educating? Arizona stands out. Arizona Game & Fish loves what they do. What has been one of your most rewarding business relationships? Jeremy Eldridge, Trevor Farnes, Shane PrescottGRITTY BOOK CLUB UPCOMING SELECTION: 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson 36:00 What motivates you to get outdoors and share your hunting story?The great oudoors is my therapy. It recharges me. I share it to help educate and shed a positive light. 42:00 How to become a better archer? Traditional archery story began at Hoyt. Fortunate to have the best teachers at fingertipsCompound more consistent than recurve. How can you become a person that can make the shot in the moment? Muscle memory. 54: John Dudley Releases and visualization Ryan Lampers 58: What in your hunting arsenal are you bad at and you would like to change? 1:00 What motivates you to get out of bed and work out every morning? 1:06 Testosterone and swagger1:09 What 3-5 exercises do you feel are vital? Back Squats, Deadlifts, 1:13 building a base over a long period of time1:19 managing stressWhat are some mistakes people make in getting fit? Shane Prescott 1:27 Fitness injury?stress under load increases mobilitypain caveJocko Willink Hunting Heroes/InfluencersCameron Hanes - Backcountry Bowhunting Steven Rinella - Meat Eater Podcast, Intellectual messageJim Shockey, Aron Snyder, Tim Burnett@matthew.b.davis on instagram