Christopher Scott Podcast - 1 Year Later

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: You probably didn't know this but I jumped into this podcasting business on a whim. Boy did I get more than I bargained for. A lot more than I bargained for both in terms of the amount of work and the amount of reward. I never dreamed I would enjoy it this much. It's been a fantastic journey. If you've been here with me since the beginning you're one of a very few people. In the early days when I first started I would get maybe 50 listens a show. I started with no platform, no training and no real equipment, but I believed in myself, I believed I could do it. So this is show #314, 314 shows, 600,000 listens/ I built a website with over 400 blog posts. I recorded an audio book which is a funny story I'll have to tell you. I wrote a book Common Sense which is scheduled to be published mid-October. And, I have a very rough draft of a second book I'm working on, the book I really wanted to right in the first place but I got side tracked it's called Where's My Country Gone So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter: