Episode 18: Lots of Netflix, Less Chill

Pop Culture & Youth Ministry: What it is and what it means show

Summary: Aug 29th, 2018. In this episode of What It Is What It Means we are looking at what we and students are watching on Netflix and other streaming services.! We answer some listener emails and kicking off a giveaway. And if no one has wished you one yet, Happy Back To School Season! All this and so much more, on What It Is What It Means!<br><br>Sponsor:<br>Give Central<br>Givecentral.org<br><br>Check out the DYM Podcast Network:<br>Podcast.downloadyouthministry.com<br>Jeff was on the DYM Podcast!<br><a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-338-the-man-who-saved-camp/id467411244?i=1000417446105&amp;mt=2" rel="noopener">https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-338-the-man-who-saved-camp/id467411244?i=1000417446105&amp;mt=2</a><br><br>Connect with us on the Web!<br>Instagram-@whatitiswhatitmeans<br><a href="mailto:Email-whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com">Email-whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com</a>