Episode 140- Remember Cooking?

Touching the Trail Podcast show

Summary: Too often we speed through our lives without taking the time to recognize the multitude of opportunities we have available to us to find personal peace. The practice of cooking is one of those opportunities and yet our society has forgotten the importance of cooking at home. Today's episode is a simple reminder of the importance of cooking and eating at home, because it is not only an opportunity for mindful peace and presence, but also an opportunity to fuel your body right. For me, cooking is a metaphor for life, because it allows you to be present amongst each step while workings towards the whole. Let's all remember that. AUM, Jarod Contreras Sources: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3639863/ washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/03/05/the-slow-death-of-the-home-cooked-meal/?utm_term=.1fc0601eb846 Tao Te Ching, trans. Stephen Mitchell Support Touching the Trail: touchingthetrail.com/donate  targetreleaserecovery.com Find Touching the Trail:  touchingthetrail.com Touching the Trail Weekly: eepurl.com/bEENNP Instagram: @touchingthetrail instagram.com/touchingthetrail Twitter: @touchthetrail twitter.com/touchthetrail Facebook: Touching the Trail facebook.com/touchingthetrail