Episode 28: Laura Nichol #3 (Light This City/Heartsounds)

The Creator-Destructor Podcast show

Summary: We’re back with Episode 28 of the podcast, once again in conversation with the almighty Laura Nichol of LIGHT THIS CITY / HEARTSOUNDS- The 3rd time she’s been on! This time around we discuss all kinds of things: what podcasts Laura listens to, Bravo reality shows, comedy shows, Laura’s weekend alone and how she spent her time, hating humanity at the grocery store, car crashes, gross social media behavior, true crime TV shows, Borat & Bruno, the Freddie Mercury movie, Straight Outta’ Compton, West Coast vs. East Coast hip-hop, unfortunate hook-up stories, accents we love and hate, a certain venue in LA that absolutely sucks, Ozzy and Black Sabbath, our last meals of choice and foods we hate/love, weird trends in porn/porn habits, and finally, the latest happenings with Light This City and a recap our recent West Coast tour, Laura’s lyrics, how Laura got stranded on a jetski, and so much more! You don’t wanna miss this one! Listen at creator-destructor.com/podcast, iTunes, or all Podcast apps!