The people vs Brexit: a very elite uprising

Best of the Spectator show

Summary: The clamours for a second referendum are growing. But are those calling for a ‘people’s vote’ really interested in what voters think? Or is this just a plot to stop Brexit? In Sweden, voters go to the polls next weekend. The Swedish Democrats, once regarded as a sinister group of far-right cranks, could become the largest party. So what’s changed? And the Soho of the eighties, a hotbed of debauchery, drinking and death, is now a vanished world. We hear from two of those who drank there regularly in the glory days. With Rod Liddle, Tom Slater, James McGrory, Fraser Nelson, Fredrik Erikson, Christopher Howse and Michael Heath. Presented by Lara Prendergast Produced by Tom Goodenough and Alastair Thomas.