153 - Velen's Chosen: F2K Pear & Frostee Hunter!

Velen's Chosen show

Summary: Hey Visionaries! This week we’ll be hitting the news, discussing the ease or lack thereof of hitting Legend and talking some Deathrattle Hunter. But before we get into all that we have a very special guest joining us this evening. Pear! Official Sponsor of Velen’s Chosen: Jamie S. (Pseudoping#1537) TwitchHearthstone News:Tavern Brawl - Standard Double Deathrattler Battler Show Topic: Is it “easy” to get to Legend? https://us.battle.net/forums/en/hearthstone/topic/20762206966Common Talking points: it’s only a matter of timepros make mistakes regularly, if they’re the best and still make mistakes then anyone can do itRank floors take away the challenge all  you have to do is play the right deck (even mindless ones) anyone who just net decks can do it Deck Talk: Frostee’s Deathrattle HunterDeck Code: AAECAR8I+AjtCdPFAobTApziArbqAsvsAoDzAguNAZcIq8IC2MICnM0C3dICi+EC4eMC8vECufgC4vgCAA==Velen’s Chosen Links:>>Full Show Notes