TAS 564: (Coaching Call) The Roadmap to Build a Business Around Your Passion?

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: Can you really build a business around your passion? Is it a realistic goal to have a brand that operates anchored around a topic or subject matter that you are engaged and knowledgeable about? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he sits down with a TAS follower like you who is building his ecommerce business. In their conversation, Jeff opens up about how he got started with ecommerce, how he’s built up his business, what he’s trying to accomplish, and much more. You don’t want to miss a minute of this valuable episode as Scott gives Jeff a good push in the right direction!<br> Find your niche. <br> Have you found your niche market yet? Are you ready to go out there and build a business based on your passion? Now is the time to act! There are so many tools and methods that ecommerce sellers like you can use to get your business off the ground and build your niche audience. Scott encourages sellers to take the time and really drill down to locate that specific niche market that you can use to build your brand. If you are struggling with finding your niche, this is the episode for you! Listen as Scott coaches a seller like you through the process of locating a niche and building a solid brand from there! <br> Why you should use video to reach your audience. <br> Did you know that video is grabbing more and more of the market share? It’s true, just take a look at your Facebook or Twitter feed! What can you do to take advantage of this trend? According to Scott, sellers like you need to get your face or the face of your brand’s spokesperson on video and exposed to the public. Think about it, you are more likely to trust and engage with a brand that takes the time to engage with you. Don’t overthink or over complicate this step, learn more about using video to engage your audience by listening to this episode of The Amazing Seller! <br> Use autofill to your advantage! <br> What would it be like to have access to the top keywords and often searched for phrases that relate to your brand? Sellers like you can use the autofill feature in the search box on Google, YouTube, Amazon, and other sites to find out what people are searching in relation to your niche product. What are you waiting for? Take advantage of this easily accessed tool that can give you the info you need to make your brand competitive! Learn more about this tool and others by listening to this helpful episode of The Amazing Seller! <br> Tried and tested methods that work. <br> Starting any small business can be scary, let alone one that deals with suppliers overseas and customers that you’ll likely never meet face to face. How do you know that your ecommerce business is on the right track? How can you be sure that you are using the right strategy and methodology? Scott can really talk a good game, but its not just talk, Scott has the experience and the success to back it up! Don’t fall for the flashy and gimmicky methods, look for the leaders who are willing to shoot you straight and give you the unvarnished truth. Make sure to check out the resources section below to go further with Scott’s methods like PACE! <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [3:00] Jeff Lukups joins the podcast. <br> [5:30] Jeff opens up about his background how he got started in ecommerce. <br> [10:00] Why it’s helpful to choose a niche market you can stay engaged in. <br> [15:30] Jeff talks about his brand and the current product that he is selling online. <br> [19:10] How does Jeff plan on engaging his target audience? <br> [24:30] Use autofill on Amazon and Google to your advantage! <br> [30:20] Scott gives an example of how to run ads effectively to your audience. <br> [34:00] Why video connects with people more than an ad. <br> [41:00] Scott runs through why and how he started the TAS podcast.