On New Sales Simplified with Mike Weinberg – Episode 25

In the Arena show

Summary: Today we hear from Mike Weinberg, author of New Sales Simplified. Mike joins the podcast today with strategies for your toughest sales struggles. He offers insight to develop your sales story and equips you with the weapons your sales arsenal needs. Tune in as Mike addresses complacency in your sales team, building hunters, and common sins your company might be committing. You don’t want to miss Mike, in the arena.<br> <br> <br> Opportunity Acquisition<br> Why are so many sales people struggling to create new opportunities? Mike Weinberg says it is not that you can’t, it’s that you won’t. Are you avoiding prospecting? It will always be easier to babysit your current clients and talk to people you know and trust. If your time and effort is focused on what you already have, you miss the top of the funnel and struggle to pick up new business. Mike keeps it simple with steps you can take to change the trajectory of your company. Discover the discipline of controlling your calendar and start time blocking to transform your acquisition of new business. Rewire yourself and your sales teams to proactively go after new clients. Join us in the arena today, to own the outcomes you sell. <br> Compensated and complacent <br> Are you compensating your team to manage the business you already have? Mike Weinberg points out common pitfalls we create that lead to complacency. With less and less A-players in the sales game these days, it can be tough to determine who is a legitimate hunter. The way people manage their sales organization plays a key role in developing and keeping sales hunters. Is your management burdening your best hunters with other management tasks and projects? Taking the great hunters away from hunting can hurt your ability to acquire new sales. When no one is inclined to find new clients, you have a recipe for stalling. Get out of your comfortable ruts and in the arena today.<br> <br> <br> Your sales story is your strongest weapon<br> Your sales story is simply the thoughts you string together about your business. It may be simple, but Mike Weinberg says it is the most powerful weapon you have. Your story needs sharp, succinct, and compelling selling points. In Mike’s experience, most sales stories are terrible. Take a look at your marketing department: are they equipping the sales team with a client issue focused story? A good story can change the dynamic of your sales dance. Instead of pushing product, lead your story with the points that communicate problem solving. Your clients want to know you can help with the issues on their mind. Watch your business grow as Mike helps you craft a sales story on today’s episode. <br> Sales sins<br> If you think your prospectors care what you do, you are guilty of a common sales sin. Mike Weinberg knows that a self-focused sales story or approach to clients leads to no, no, no. Your clients want to know if you can help them further their business goals. If you are talking about yourself, your company, and your solutions you are missing it completely. The only way to earn a seat at your dream client’s table is to have their outcomes in mind. Address the issues your client is facing with power and passion. If we were all doing this with excellence, Mike’s book, New Sales Simplified, would not be selling as well as it is. Rid yourself of sales sins today, in the arena.<br> <br> <br> Outline of this great episode<br> <br> [1:15] Introduction of today’s guest, Mike Weinberg.<br> [2:02] Opportunity acquisition. <br> [5:26] What do we do about hunters?<br> [7:59] Time blocking is transformational. <br> [9:03] Addressing the farmers.<br> [11:30] How much improvement does Mike’s magic bring to targeting?<br> [16:09] What is a sales story and why is it often missing?<br> [20:21] Prospects do not need us like they did before.<br> [21:46] Telephone prospecting tidbits. <br>