On Turning Adversaries Into Allies with Bob Burg – Episode 28

In the Arena show

Summary: Today’s guest, Bob Burg, has turned the worst of opposition into mutually beneficial relationships. His new book, Adversaries Into Allies, is a toolkit you will need for tough clients and even tougher sales meetings. On this episode, Bob defines the difference between manipulation and persuasion in leadership. He knows that you deal with clients prone to miscommunication and misunderstandings. He also knows that the influence you have as a sales leader is powerful. The difference between being successful, or not, is how you carry out your influence. Listen in to gain the ability to move people to your desired action in the best possible way, on this episode of In the Arena. <br> <br> <br> Manipulation or Persuasion?<br> Persuasion and manipulation are cousins that influence human action and human motivation. But, they begin with different intent, and produce very different results. Today, Bob Burg speaks about how manipulation aims at control, not cooperation. Bob’s own experience with manipulators has provided unique angles in approaching business. Manipulators do not understand that not only is it bad life practice, it is bad business. People can smell your intent. Is yours one of your own best interest, or the best interest of your clients? Commitment will cultivate for you a team, whereas manipulative coercion will simply get you employees. The influential leader will ask questions, take an interest in others, and work with the best scenario in mind for others. Find out today if you are a manipulator or a persuader. <br> Change your attitude toward your adversaries<br> In preparing to deal with adversaries, Bob Burg starts with attitude. The adjustment is with yourself first, not your adversary. When we know we are dealing with opposition, we often resort to protecting ourselves. This sets the stage for how your adversary will respond to you.  Whatever you bring in with you, your adversary will react to. Bob is adamant in his belief that we can create room for our toughest clients to change. Patience and persistence can change any adversary into an ally. Retrain your toughest client to accept your positive framework. Learn to be the tree that yields with the wind, on today’s episode of In the Arena.<br> <br> <br> The clashing of beliefs <br> A belief system is something everyone has and carries into every situation. Listen in to today’s episode as Bob Burg prepares us for inevitable clashes. Your beliefs create the lens for how you see the world. They are formed in the beginning of your life, without your creation or awareness. You are a servant to and run by these unconscious beliefs. We tend to think other people see the world as we see it. The first thing Bob Burg suggests we do is to check why we believe a certain way. Ask more questions. Ask for more clarification. Meet miscommunication head on. When you seek to understand what is already at work influencing someone, you are one step closer to becoming the influence. <br> Empathizing does not mean you’re a doormat<br> Our beliefs create infections we carry around with us, making communication difficult. Empathy is understanding the infections of others. But seeking to understand does not mean you have to become a doormat, or even change your beliefs. You simply let someone know that you know they are feeling something. Responding non-emotionally and non-offensively will buy you the trust and communication that healthy business relationships need. We think we understand others, but we oftentimes do not. What we all want to know that we are understood. Learn how to practice empathy with your adversaries on today’s episode of In the Arena. <br> <br> <br> Outline of this great episode<br> <br> [0:48] Introduction of today’s guest, Bob Burg.<br> [2:26] The difference between persuasion and manipulation.<br> [7:04] The challenge in leadership and influence.<br>