How to Make People Love You with Jeb Blount – Episode 34

In the Arena show

Summary: There’s been a shift in recent years toward a more “transactional” model of sales. The ability to anonymously buy something off the internet (Amazon) has made it more and more appealing to many people to purchase items without a consultant or salesperson “hassling” them. They’re able to get what they want, find it themselves, and be done with the process in record time. But Jeb Blount and Anthony Iannarino believe that that preference only applies to the smaller purchases. When a larger purpose is in view or a company is seeking a new service provider, relationship matters most. You’ll find out why Jeb and Anthony feel that way on this great episode.<br> <br> <br> Behind every transaction is a person.<br> It’s very revealing to ask people about their negative customer service or buying experiences. You’ll hear all kinds of complaints and 99% of them have to do with how they were treated as a person. They didn’t like being seen as a number, as a commodity - they wanted to be cared about personally. That’s all the evidence you need to understand why a strictly transactional sales model isn’t best long-term. Jeb Blount has tons of stories that illustrate the point that you’ll want to hear, so be sure you take the time to listen to this important episode.<br> You have to remember that you need your customers more than they need you.<br> It’s easy, as a service provider, salesperson, or contractor to feel that your customers are on the hook for your sake, that they are dependent on you. While that may be true in some senses, the reality is that your income, your company’s longevity, and your overall success depend on having customers who are happy with what you’re doing for them. In that sense, you need them more than they need you. When you’re able to treat them that way, transaction after transaction, you build a relational equity that results in loyalty and ongoing revenue. Jeb Blount shares how to develop that mindset in yourself and your team, on this episode.<br> <br> <br> What will your customers do if you treat them with indifference?<br> They will find someone else to provide what you’re providing them. Why? Because it’s an innate desire in the heart of every human being to be treated well, to be valued, to be cared for as a person. No company or sales team that treats their prospects, customers, or clients as a commodity to be tolerated will keep that customer for long. Jeb Blount has a great story of how that kind of attitude impacted him on a flight, and how he made the decision to pull his $50K annual travel budget from that airline and invest it with another. Listen carefully, you will probably hear your own experience in the story and get some great ideas for how you can up your relational game with your customers.<br> Always, always give more than is required.<br> Jeb Blount purchased a new smartphone a day before recording this conversation with Anthony. His experience in the store was great and his sales representative was very helpful. Then the morning of this interview he received a call from that sales representative. She was checking in to make sure his phone was still working well, to follow up to make sure he had figured out his bluetooth headset, and see if there was any other area where he needed help adjusting to his new phone. She went over and above what he expected, she did more than her job description required. Now Jeb tells the story about her everyplace he goes. What impact will giving more than is required have for you and your sales career? Learn how to implement the practice on this episode of In The Arena with Anthony Iannarino.<br> <br> <br> Outline of this great episode<br> <br> [0:45] Anthony’s introduction to his friend, Jeb Blount.<br> [1:30] Why transactional sales is wrong and relational sales is right.<br> [5:11] Poor customer experiences reveal what’s most important to buyers.<br>