Ontario Morning Podcast - Monday September 3, 2018

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Elliott Lake - from mining town to retirement mecca; Mealnie Ferrier of CBC Kitchener-Waterloo introduces us to Duff, who after battling alcohol addiction, makes the transition from homeless to housed; Parenting expert Ann Douglas talks about the so-called empty nest syndrome; Rob Dalgleish of the United Church explains how churches are being re-purposed to prevent their doors from being closed; Mayor of Smiths Falls describes how the town changed after Hershey's left and Canopy Growth arrived; Melanie Ferrier introduces us to Huda Al-Obaidi who talks about her problems adapting to living in Canada; Larry Rousseau, of the Canadian Labour Congress talks about the current role of organized labour; The CBC's Katerina Georgieva looks at Sarnia-Lambton's transition away from being 'chemical valley'; Melanie Ferrier talks to Jesse, who is making the transition from prison to civilian life; Mary Ellen Hickson describes her 'unretirement'.