(#26) Your Peers Define Your Future

Manifestation Babe | Money | Mindset | Manifestation show

Summary: Jim Rohn says that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. In this episode, I explain why your peers really DO define your future & why the RIGHT peers should initially intimidate you and make you uncomfortable.  This episode was inspired by Lewis Howes' Greatness Mastermind weekend and my initial thoughts walking into a room of high level people. I also answer the most common question I get, which is "How the hell do I find the right peer group?" Take it from this previously shy and quiet introvert to let you know it really isn't that hard.  ---- RICH BABE is now open! Master your money mindset, take your income to the next level, and unlock financial abundance for LIFE. Spots are super limited, and we literally close next Friday. Enroll right now: http://richbabeacademy.com/