Leaving Behind the EU: A Conversation with David Conway

Liberty Law Talk  show

Summary: <a href="https://www.lawliberty.org/2014/09/30/leaving-behind-the-eu-a-conversation-with-david-conway/"></a>The attempt by the media and the political elites of the three major political parties in the United Kingdom to heap contempt on Euroskepticism no longer possesses the same power. With the victory of the United Kingdom Independence Party in local and European Parliamentary elections, the prospect of the UK leaving the European Union is a live one. Indeed, Prime Minister David Cameron has agreed to a public referendum on this question in 2017 should the Conservatives be returned to power in 2015. I recently discussed the case for a UK exit with David Conway, a frequent contributor to this…<a class="moretag" href="https://www.lawliberty.org/2014/09/30/leaving-behind-the-eu-a-conversation-with-david-conway/">Read More</a>