Flemming Rose on the Aftermath of the Mohammed Cartoon Crisis

Liberty Law Talk  show

Summary: <a href="https://www.lawliberty.org/2014/11/24/flemming-rose-on-the-aftermath-of-the-mohammed-cartoon-crisis/"></a>This next podcast is with the Danish journalist Flemming Rose, foreign news editor at Jyllands-Posten, on the controversy he ignited in 2005 when he published cartoons satirizing the prophet Mohammed. His new book, The Tyranny of Silence, offers his reflections on the conflagration that ensued, including a jihadist’s attempt to murder one of the cartoonists with an axe. Rose received the protection of Danish security services after threats were made on his life. Not bowing to intimidation, Rose has spent the last decade highlighting the dangers of foregoing a commitment to freedom of speech. Our interview delves into these experiences…<a class="moretag" href="https://www.lawliberty.org/2014/11/24/flemming-rose-on-the-aftermath-of-the-mohammed-cartoon-crisis/">Read More</a>