Guest Kenna James

Hellbound with Halos show

Summary: Crystal is back and the boys are happy to have her back in the mix. Sully starts things off telling a story about how his dogs mauled a raccoon in his backyard while he was at work... His wife freaked out about it and called him at work figuring out what to do. Eventually the half dead raccoon was killed and discarded. Kevin welcomes their guest co-host for the evening, 2016 Penthouse Pet of the Year and Porn Star, Kenna James. Kenna was excited to be a part of the show and told a little of her back story as to how she ended up in the adult film industry. She discusses how much she loves the industry and how nice people are that are in it. Kevin asks her what her favorite scene has been since she started and Kenna cannot narrow it down to one in particular. She started off doing only girl/girl porn and just last year started doing male/female roles. Kevin asks if she likes females more than males because of how many lesbian scenes she's done, and Kenna said she likes both and that they both have good qualities. She likes the male actors she's had so far and will continue to work with them. She talks about just wrapping up a threesome video (2 girls, 1 guy), just the other day. Kevin mentions about a boating trip they had 2 weekends ago and how they partied with a bunch of girls. Crystal asks Sully if he's getting divorced now because of it and they said it was just all fun.. no harm. Kevin also talks about how he thinks he could be a porn star and everyone of course laughs at him. Kenna said if he has the confidence, he could do it. Kevin likes that answer (for good reason). They all talk about how sex has become very desensitized in today's day and age and that the younger generations seem to just sleep with anyone and everyone with no thought into it. Where as Kevin and Sully say that the older men tend to pay more attention to the "romance" side and foreplay for sex. Kenna agrees and says that's a big reason why girls love older men nowadays. Crystal brings up the podcast going to Vegas and doing a live show from a bar on the strip. Kenna offers to help secure a place and Crystal agreed to check it out with her. Sully won't go without his wife, even though its a "business trip". Kevin agrees they need to get to Vegas but doesn't think it can happen until next year sometime... Either way, Kenna says to keep her in the loop and she'll help them secure somewhere. There is so much packed into this episode, you'll just have to listen. A HUGE thank you to Kenna for joining us, hopefully it won't be the last time! We're going to hell after this show....