Episode 138- Let's Talk About Tea

Touching the Trail Podcast show

Summary: Let's talk about tea, because while the US may still be a coffee culture, tea is becoming more popular and is a staple of many people's daily lives. I am an avid tea drinker and have been so for probably longer than I have been a coffee drinker. For me, tea is a much gentler experience and one that provides more overall benefits than coffee. One of the main attributes of tea that I love is the fact that it can so easily be a positive personal ritual, an active meditation, that benefits me each time I take the time to focus on the process. Today I make the case that tea can and should be an active meditation for all of us to center us in the moment. Join me as I delve into tea's vibrant history and its numerous positive and negative health effects. I hope we can all be better from this discussion. AUM, Jarod Contreras Sources: tea.co.uk/tea-a-brief-history mightyleaf.com/history-of-tea nam.ac.uk/explore/opium-war-1839-1842 nytimes.com/2015/10/06/upshot/what-the-evidence-tells-us-about-tea.html livestrong.com/article/414169-the-health-dangers-of-tea/ Music: purple-planet.com Support Touching the Trail: touchingthetrail.com/donate  targetreleaserecovery.com Find Touching the Trail:  touchingthetrail.com Touching the Trail Weekly: eepurl.com/bEENNP Instagram: @touchingthetrail instagram.com/touchingthetrail Twitter: @touchthetrail twitter.com/touchthetrail Facebook: Touching the Trail facebook.com/touchingthetrail