Money and Business as a Freelancer without “Selling Out”

Oh My Dollar! show

Summary: <p>Did you wake up one day and realize you’re accidentally a business owner? When you are a freelancer, you <em>are</em> the business. Danny Schuman accidentally ended up being an entrepreneur, and he figured out how to sustain himself even with the so-called “Worst Business Model of the World”. He shares his tips for freelancers on staying sane as a business owner. We talk about how to build a network when you hate networking, how to not freak out when you don’t know when the next money is coming in, and how to make money in business without “selling out”.</p> <p>He shares his super-easy tip for taking the emotional fear out of writing down a “fee” amount on a proposal without underselling himself.</p> <p><em>[Apologies for the slightly less great audio quality on this episode – we believe the content is worth it!]</em></p> <h3>Other Episodes You Might Like As A Freelancer About Managing Money</h3> <ul> <li> <a href=""><strong>How to Quit Your Job and Be Freelance</strong></a> – All the steps you should take if you are preparing to go freelance – from setting up retirement, budgeting for lean times, to choosing business bank accounts, and more!</li> <li> <a href=""><strong>How to Budget on Variable Income</strong></a> – How to set up and budget when you’re a freelancer whose income isn’t the same every month</li> <li> <strong><a href="">Variable Income for the Perpetually Anxious</a> – </strong>I give some clear tips for handling budgeting when you’re a perpetually anxious human with variable freelancer income like me!</li> <li> <strong><a href=""><strong>How to Make Choice</strong>s without Overanalyzing </a></strong> – We specifically talk about choosing a bank, including choosing a business checking account (which you should have if you’re a freelancer!)</li> </ul> <h3> About Our Guest Danny Schuman</h3> <div id="attachment_25278" style="width: 288px;" class="wp-caption alignleft"> <img class="wp-image-25278 size-medium" src="" alt="Danny Schuman, business and freelancer expert" width="278" height="300"><p class="wp-caption-text">This is Danny Schuman, our excellent guest on freelancer business tips</p> </div> <p>Danny Schuman is a writer, marketer, and entrepreneur. He’s spent his career creating ideas to solve marketing challenges.</p> <p>He started his marketing consultancy Twist in January 2009 in the middle of the worst recession in the past 75 years, the first indication that he didn’t really know what he’s doing.</p> <p>Despite that, he’s spent the past 10 years helping big and small brands develop successful brand strategies, focusing their message, and bringing that message to the right people.</p> <p>Before Twist, Danny wrote and creative directed marketing campaigns that helped build iconic brands like Quaker Oatmeal, Coors Light, and Gatorade. He and Michael Jordan started working on Gatorade on the same day. Michael called Danny “Peanut Butter Jelly Boy,” but that’s a story for another time.</p> <p>His book <a href=";qid=1534896359&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=The+Worst+Business+Model+in+the+World%3A+A+New+Kind+of+Guide+for+a+New+Kind+of+Entrepreneur">The Worst Business Model in the World: A New Kind of Guide for a New Kind of Entrepreneur</a> is available on Amazon!</p>