4176 Church and State - Call In Show - August 22nd, 2018

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [1:44] – “I'm 22 and from England, I'm engaged, and my partner and I are very happy. My life plans consist of starting a family reasonably soon and leaving my work behind in favor of being a stay at home mum. The problem is, in choosing this life, I've pushed away almost all family members and friends. I haven't been completely rejected, but I have horrified and disgusted everyone I know with my decision to reject a university offer in favor supporting my partner rather than competing with him. I have been called reckless and stupid, or the other way and they've called me a lazy leech. The sheer abundance and hostility I have been met with has made me question myself and my decisions because it is highly unlikely that I alone am correct and literally everybody else is wrong. Do you have any advice for the average person trying to start and keep a stable family in a world that's so hellbent on destroying it? Surely isolation cannot be the answer?”<br><br>Question 2: [1:14:03] – “I have heard you say "Separation of church and state" several times, I have also heard you say it's a Western idea or Western inventions which it certainly isn't. I am shocked that you would say that for a couple of reasons, first because it means absolutely nothing, it's like saying common sense gun control, or vast-right wing conspiracy or multiculturalism its just empty words that mean nothing. No one ever defines what it means. it's just a PC thing people say to appease other people. It's pseudo-intellectualism. It is something I expect to hear from a government school teacher or Jon Stewart, not a philosopher like yourself Since you use this phrase multiple times, I must ask what does it mean? Why do you think its a western idea and why would it be a good thing?”<br><br>Question 3: [2:06:00] – “You have made it clear that you are against men dating single mothers. You are also against abortions. However your approach fails to consider that 1/3 of British women have had an abortion, likely due to pressure to peruse a career first. There are high odds that a man could be dating a single mother of a dead child she got aborted. Many abort to increase their dating prospects as you can hide an abortion from a man, but not a child.”<br><br>Question 4: [3:04:42] – “This young grasshopper is going to attempt to snatch the pebble from the master’s hand. I challenge Stefan to debate me on his hypothesis for ‘Magic is Always Madness.’ Stefan argues: ‘Magic in stories is always and forever a metaphor for madness’, and ‘Thus, 'is it universal' is the first question that you must ask of your argument’. I like the application of this view of magic to some stories, but I do not think it is universally applicable. Why does a way of seeing a metaphor in stories need to be universally applicable? Is a way of seeing a metaphor in stories an argument? I am arguing: That ‘Magic is Always Madness’ is not universally applicable.”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate