Kanye’s Cry for Help

Dissect show

Summary: This is a story about empathy disguised as a story about Kanye West.<br> Last year around this time, Kanye took stage at the Golden One Center in Sacramento, CA. After three songs and a fifteen-minute rant, Kanye dropped the mic and canceled the show. Shortly after, he canceled the remainder of his Saint Pablo tour dates and was checked into a hospital for psychiatric evaluation.<br> I attended the now infamous Kanye Sacramento concert. In lieu of a new episode today, I’m sharing with you <a href="http://cityscoutmag.com/a-cry-for-help-what-we-missed-at-kanye-wests-sacramento-concert/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a piece I wrote a few days after this experience</a>. I believe its message still rings true today, perhaps even more so.<br> If you’d like to support Dissect, visit <a href="http://patreon.com/dissect">patreon.com/dissect</a><br> Photo: Solace<br>