181 -Developmental Issues Impacting Mental Health

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Child and Adolescent Development Child and Adolescent Development Instructor: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC Executive Director: AllCEUs Counseling CEUs and Specialty Certificates  Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox, Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery</p> <p>CEUs are available for this presentation at allceus.com.  Learn more about our Addiction Counselor Certification Training Programs at https://allceus.com/certification</p> <p>Objectives~ Identify the major psycho-social milestones for each age group~ Learn about things that may thwart development~ Identify protective factors for healthy development~ Conceptualize behaviors as goal-driven in order to better understand their purpose and provide appropriate redirection</p> <p>Infancy Milestones~ Age 0-1 years~ Children master the use of their hands (0-6 months)~ Start crawling~ Respond to familiar words~ Discover their voices~ Rely on parents for comfort and to meet basic needs~ Cognitive (Piaget): Object permanence~ Develop Trust (Erickson)~ Secure attachment to caregiver~ In self to properly interpret signals and get needs met</p> <p>Infancy and Attachment ~ Attachment~ Attachment is the quality of the relationship with the caregiver characterized by trust, safety and security.~ The quality of the infant-parent attachment is a powerful predictor of a child’s later social and emotional outcome~ Determined by the caregiver’s response to the infant when the infant’s attachment system is ‘activated’ ~ Beginning at six months old, infants come to anticipate caregivers’ responses to their distress and shape their own behaviors accordingly (eg, developing strategies for dealing with distress when in the presence of that caregiver)~ Sensitive, Responsive, Loving = Secure~ Insensitive, Rejecting or Inconsistent = InsecureAttachment cont…~ Continues through childhood, but formative attachment relationships developed in infancy~ Effects of Secure Attachment~ Learn basic trust, which serves as a basis for all future emotional relationships~ Develop fulfilling intimate relationships~ Maintain emotional balance~ Feel confident and good about themselves~ Enjoy being with others~ Rebound from disappointment and loss~ Share their feelings and seek support</p> <p>Attachment Cont…~ Effects of Secure Attachment cont…~ Explore the environment with feelings of safety and security, which leads to healthy intellectual and social development~ Develop the ability to control behavior, which results in effective management of impulses and emotions~ Create a foundation for the development of identity, which includes a sense of capability, self-worth, and a balance between dependence and independence~ Establish a moral framework that leads to empathy, compassion, and conscience~ Generate a core set of beliefs~ Provide a defense against stress and trauma</p> <p>Infancy Developmental Stuck Points~ Interferences~ Child does not have basic food, shelter, safety, love needs met~ Manifestations~ Inability to trust self or others~ Reliance on others to tell them what they need~ Lack of a sense of worthiness for basics~ Discomfort with and craving of attention~ Irritability/anxiety~ Establishment/Re-Establishment of Trust and Attachment~ Consistency~ Care: Understanding and ensuring basic needs are met~ Compassion: Being calm and accepting of the child’s emotions and needs~ Providing compassionate redirection: Add.  Don’t just subtract</p> <p>Toddlers 2-3 Years~ Developmental Task: ~ Psychosocial: Autonomy vs. Shame &amp; Doubt (Erickson)~ Personal control over physical skills and body (potty training and “no”)~ Cognitive: Preoperational (Through age 7)~ Think about things symbolically (Doll can “be” Mom) / Pretend play~ Begin to understand the concept of past and future~ Continue to develop secure attachmentsToddlers 2-3 Years Stuck Points~ Interferences~ Overly permissive or overly strict parents~ Lack of praise for exploration and experimentation~ Manifestations~ Low self-esteem/need for external validati</p>