.NET Standard and Xamarin.Forms for the .NET Developer | The Xamarin Show

Channel 9 show

Summary: In this episode, Laurent Bugnion and Jeremy Likness from the Cloud Developer Avocates team come together and talk about Xamarin.Forms, and how it uses .NET Standard to provide cross-platform compatibility. Jeremy takes his first tour of a Xamarin.Forms app guided by Laurent, and sees how his experience as a .NET, WPF (and former Silverlight) developer is helping him to get started with native iOS and Android development with Xamarin, C# and XAML. Jeremy and Laurent also talk about .NET Standard, the difference with Portable Class Libraries and why you should probably move to this new cross-platform model soon. Show Notes: Xamarin.Forms documentation.NET Standard portability analyzerA small history of .NET Standard (Xamarin blog)Porting MVVM Light to .NET Standard, lessons learned