Ep 1 - Inspired Action: How do you know when it's right?

Happy Write Now show

Summary: Join the HWN newsletter: https://www.RebeccaKSampson.com/Join -TRANSCRIPT- Before I get into podcast #1 - I have a message for you. Start before you are ready. That’s the only way to live. Welcome to the Happy Write Now podcast. I am your host Rebecca Kelsey Sampson, an authorpreneur, fantasy and personal development author, and marketer. When I joined the writing community I saw how difficult it was for writers to say out loud that they were an author. I witnessed first hand the limiting beliefs we were fueling into each other. Through Happy Write Now my mission is to help authors fight those beliefs, claim their personal power, and take charge of their journey - publishing deal or not. If gaining mindset advice for your author life sounds good for you, pull up a chair at the table. Wow! I am so excited the day is finally here. Welcome to episode one of HWN, AKA Happy Write Now. If we haven’t met before, my name is Rebecca and I’m passionate about helping authors claim their power. In this first episode, we are going to talk about Inspired Action. What does it mean and how can you jump in? Let’s start with an example. I’m taking inspired action today by recording this episode. I came up with the idea to expand my newsletter on mindset advice for authors into a podcast pretty much the second I hit send on my first email blast. But my ego got in the way. So did everyone around me! “Rebecca, are you serious? Another project?” And as someone that feels the drive to do more and think big every day, I occasionally get discouraged by the people in my life that tell me to slow down. I believe, temporarily, that I can’t do it all. And in some cases, those voices prove to be right. There have been things I needed to slow down on, but in those cases, I felt the relief immediately. As I paused certain projects over others, I knew it was the right thing to do instinctually. But slowing down never felt right for the HWN podcast. I’ve thought about this for weeks. Then I said screw it. I bought the mic, I wrote out a plan, and now here we are. Inspired Action is when an idea strikes you with such force that you can’t put it down. Even when you tell yourself not to do it, the thoughts creep back in. Then when you finally take the leap, you get that euphoric feeling that you know is right and you wish you had done it sooner. I’m feeling that right now. It was likely the feeling you had when you committed to your book idea, right? The sad thing is, that there are people that get those inklings throughout their life and they continuously ignore them. They feel those drives and listen instead to their fear and the voices outside of themselves and they let their dreams die. It hurts them, and they let that regret fester their whole lives. I don’t want you to be that person. You owe yourself that strength. It doesn’t always come easily. In fact, taking these leaps can often come with a lot of fear. But you don’t want to be on your deathbed thinking about the actions you never took. You don’t want to think that there was something bigger out there for you and that you never got to see what that was. So if there is something tickling at the back of your throat, wiggling in your brain, electrifying your heart… Do it as soon as possible. I’ll be rooting you on. Thank you so much for listening today. To get the most out of HWN, join the newsletter. It comes with author freebies and a Members Only page. Subscribe now at https://www.RebeccaKSampson.com/Join It will be linked in the show notes. If what you heard today resonated with you, please share this episode on social media. Take a screenshot right now and tag me on Instagram and Twitter. My username is @RebeccaKSampson. As you know, reviews help authors and that is no different here. Leave a review on your favorite podcast app to help spread the word. I’ll talk to you soon! Intro and outro music by: Ikson - Stardust