Go Ask Your Father for August 14, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Story- My story of how I became a Third Order Secular Carmelite.<br> Caller Question- Why do Catholics worship Mary?<br> Caller Question- Do Roman Catholics believe that the dead are alive in Heaven?<br> Caller Question- Why is one of the friends of the children seers of Fatima in Purgatory until the end of time?<br> Caller Question- Is a person Catholic if they are pro-abortion? Why do priests not preach about abortion more often from the pulpit?<br> Caller Question- What is the difference between vocal and mental prayer if God hears them both?<br> Caller Comment- I don’t understand why Protestants do not think saints can pray for them.<br> Catechetical Corner- Anointing of the Sick.<br> Caller Question- Is there a Vigil Mass for the Assumption? Do Masses tomorrow night count for the Holy Day of Obligation?<br> Caller Question- What is the Holy Spirit Prayer that you pray?<br> Caller Question- Why do we use the term “siblings”?<br>