X Minus One – The Snowball Effect. ep64, 560814

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: At a small town college, the new president of the campus is face with making sure all his departments are operating in the black. Most departments are easily held to their budgets, and provide valued services to various government and commercial corporations.<br><br> The Social Sciences is a different story. What do they do? How can they be made to become more financially secure? <br> An experiment is devised, and a lowly ladies sewing circle becomes the guinnea pig to try out a new formula to success. Using a new constitution and bylaws with the formula for growth, the 6 month test period begins. The system involves a heavy recruiting program, where nobody is allowed to retire. The idea is to keep the group snowballing in size, until a natural breaking point is reached. The theory is that the club will then fall apart naturally when no new members are recruited for a straight 2 month period. <br> The club president takes the new concept, and runs with it. The club can’t grow all that much… can they? It’s just a small town. The member recruitment spirals out of control, and goes cross state lines, then to other countries.<br><br> What next, the globe? <br> Note: A fun episode that reminds me a lot of viral videos, or todays multi level marketing deals that rely on recruiting new members, and having no real product, other than the new dues that come in. However, the ladies actually do have a product. They outgrow their sewing circle to take on real estate, civic development, and charitable aid. <br>